Sunday, November 6, 2011

New Short-Term Volunteer

Today the short-term volunteer Julia arrived at Manmies. We did not have enough rooms available at the orphanage, so she was situated over at Manmies, which is just like a 3 minutes walk away. She could not stay over there by herself, so I will be accompanying her throughout the week that she will be with us.

I had been busy all morning with coordinating what needs to be changed at the orphanage and making sure that the children were all okay for the moment. We still have many sick children, especially babies, at the orphanage. I am quite worried, so I am spending a lot of time getting to know each one of their situations. We have administered many IV lines for several babies over the last couple of days. It just seems that one baby will be sick and then another will follow. When another baby is getting better, another one will start getting sick. It's not normal and it is not good. I have made sure to have the water system tested and checked for its drinking quality. We are still drinking bottled of water, just to be sure. (Although it does kills me to have to drink bottled water. It is sooooo not environmental friendly!)

Steve and Robin from USAID/US Embassy brought Julia over at around 2:30pm. We all sat down together and chatted about the foundation. Julia was super excited to be able to volunteer at the orphanage. She is 22 years old and works at an Orlando hospital as a Medical Education Coordinator. She just recently graduated from college and is waiting for a PeaceCorp assignment. That is awesome! We had a lot to talk about! I was very happy that she was going to be here for the week, it gives me some time to rest, as well. I am very grateful to her.

We spent the afternoon touring the school, Manmie's house, the clinic. We spent some time by the pool with Will, the other long-term volunteer. It has been a long while since I've used the swimming pool at Manmies. I am always at the orphanage, so there's no chance, plus no time on my part. It was actually quite weird to be swimming in the pool. I was very grateful to have a breather. I definitely needed it! It is looking like it's going to be a busy week but very fulfilling!

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you got a company!
    My heart goes to the sick children and my prayer goes to Lori.

    Love mom+
