Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Talk about a stressful day! IBESR (Haitian Child Welfare Office) came to do a complete audit on the creche at Lamardelle today! It was quite a surprise, because we did not know that they were coming at all! We heard a truck stop by and looked out a window....and took a giant GASP! We almost screamed!

So three people from the IBESR office came to pay us a visit and Brunette and I were separated. Brunette went and talk to a lady on all the stats and paperwork and I was put in charge to give a tour of every single room and space we have at the creche, in FRENCH! Oh man, I was quite nervous, but it turned out alright! I've done it a few times, but nothing as detailed as this visit for sure!

The woman that I was paired with asked so many questions! I thought that I was going to run out of breathe from trying to explain everything to her. We were all really nervous because a bad report or a bad visit could mean funding cuts or even worst, closure of the creche. We have been especially nervous over the last month because UNICEF and IBESR have been working together to go out and doing different unplanned visits of all the orphanages/creches across Haiti. The result: Over 100 closures of centers, orphanages, and creches. I mean that is a ridiculous amount! Granted, there are centers/orphanages/creches that only have a couple of children, but still, it is an enormous amount of children. So those children are now all being disbursed to other centers/orphanages/creches that are to code and regulations. I know for a fact some of those closed centers/orphanages/creches were overfilled with children that IBESR sent to them and didn't give them food or money to take care of the children. Which is just a vicious cycle. If UNICEF/IBESR were to sent more children to any place, they should provide the financial means to support those children, it shouldn't be the burden of the different foundation/organizations. I mean think about it? How do you expect the centers/orphanages/creches to stay afloat if you give them more children and then just say "DEAL WITH IT" and then come back months later saying, "you are not doing a good job taking care of the children, they are malnourished and not loved!" Well, that would not be the fault of the organization, but IBESR for not helping out! It really is a sad story! Especially for the children, moving from one place to another and not getting enough food and stimulation to thrive.

Anyways, long story short, the visit went really well. The women seemed satisfied and good thing Brunette and I are both quick on our feet with fast responses and good reasoning behind things that are lacking. It also helped that we had already started to put out a lot of the Christmas decorations and I just happened to pick a great time to put all the babies' crib toys out and their names on the cribs. AWESOME DECISION! I was very happy with myself that I knew all the stats of the children. How old they were, how long they have been with us, and how many in each room. I knew their schedules by heart and could answer any questions IBESR had. Even down to what types of medications they were taking. It was all in my head! It definitely helps that I interact with the children everyday! I knew each child like the back of my hand!

So we are still waiting for the final report of IBESR, but I think the visit went really well!

That's a giant check mark off the list of things for 2011!

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